Time Day 1 | 31 October 2022
Day 2 | 1 November 2022 Day 3 | 2 November 2022 Day 4 | 3 November 2022

Field Visit:
Gunung Gede Pangrango

Opening Ceremony of the AHP7
YAS Exhibition Launch, Opening of the Marketplace and Exhibits, Press Conference


AHP Managers

Eighth Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Committee

Session 4: Women, Youth, and Local Communities in Protected Area Management

Session 5: Ecotourism, Business and Biodiversity

Session 6:
The ASEAN Heritage Parks as models for Nature-based Solutions in the Region


Plenary Session

Lunch Break

Lunch Break

Lunch Break


Session 1: Protected Areas, Human Health, and Preventing Future Pandemics

Session 2: Sustainable Financing for AHPs

Session 3: Evaluating Effectiveness of Protected Areas

Closing Ceremony of the AHP7

AHP Managers


Eighth Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Committee

Welcome Dinner and

Awarding of New ASEAN Heritage Parks

ASEAN Biodiversity Heroes Awards Ceremony
Time Activity
09:00–12:00 AHP Managers’ Meeting Eighth Meeting of the Scientific Advisory Committee
• AHP Managers’ Meeting
• Country Reporting
• Opening and Welcome Messages
 • Photo opportunity
 • Adoption of the Agenda
 • Tea Break
 • Presentation on project/activities of ACB
 • Presentation on CEPA and KM Plan Implementation
Lunch Break
• Consultation Workshop: Formulation of the new AHP RAP • Science Policy Forum
• Tea Break
• Updating the SAC Work Plan
• Closing Session
Time Activity
08:00–09:45 Opening number (Papua Dance)
Welcoming Messages from:
• Minister of Environment and Forestry Indonesia
• Government of Bogor Indonesia

Official Opening of the Conference
• Teleillustration

Messages from:
• Dr. Theresa Mundita S. Lim, Executive Director, (ACB)
09:45–10:15 Coffee Break
Opening of the AHP 7 Marketplace and Exhibits
• Ribbon Cutting
• Tour around the exhibit booths
• JAIF Publication Launch
10:15–10:30 Press Conference
Plenary Session
10:30-11: 15 Keynote Presentations:
• Post2020 Global Biodiversity Framework (CBD Secretariat)
• The 30 X 30 Target: Prospect, Issues and Challenges for the AHPs
• Building Back Together: The role of AHPs in Pandemic Recovery
11:30 - 11:45 Introduction of the Parallel Sessions
• Protected Areas, Human Health, and Preventing Future Pandemics
• Sustainable Financing for AHPs (SGP PIA-Indonesia)
• Evaluating Effectiveness of Protected Areas
• Ecotourism, Business and Biodiversity
• The ASEAN Heritage Parks as models for Nature-based Solutions in the Region
• Ecotourism, Business and Biodiversity

11:45-13:00 Lunch Break
13:00-16:00 Parallel Break-out Sessions

1: Protected Areas, Human Health, and Preventing Future Pandemics

Chair: WOAH SRR SE Asia

Open forum/Insights from participants

Synthesis and Recommendations
Session 2: Sustainable Financing for AHPs
Co-chairs: SGP PIA-Indonesia and SGP PIA-Viet Nam

PART I: Sustainable Financing for Protected Areas

Panel Discussion

Panel Discussion

Synthesis and closing

Session 3: Evaluating Effectiveness of Protected Areas
Co-chairs: IUCN

PART I: Overview of the METT and other approaches in ensuring management effectiveness of protected areas

Open Forum
Dr. Robert Mather

PART II: Sharing of lessons learned from applying the METT in enhancing PA governance and impact

Open Forum

Synthesis and closing

18:00–21:00 ASEAN Cultural Night

Awarding Ceremony of new AHPs
Time Activity
09:00–10:30 Parallel Break-out Sessions
Session 4: Women, Youth, and Local Communities in Protected Area Management

PART I: Presentations

PART II: Role Play

PART III: Debriefing and Reflections

Session 5: Ecotourism, Business and Biodiversity

Synthesis and closing

Session 6: The ASEAN Heritage Parks as models for Nature-based Solutions in the Region

Panel Discussion

Synthesis and closing

11:45–13:00 Lunchbreak
14:00–15:30 Closing Ceremony of the AHP7 Parallel Session Summaries

Synthesis and Ways Forward

Presentation of tokens of appreciation

Closing Messages

AHP 7 at a glance (Video)
15:30–15:45 ABH Awards Ceremony
15:45–17:00 Cultural performance
Time Activity
Field Visit
15:45–17:00 Site: Situ Gunung Gede Pangrango

Questions? Email: ahp7@aseanbiodiversity.org